There is no such thing as enough
Покопалась тут, нашёл кое-что интересное:

May 26, 2006: OVA Ep2, 5250Yen, DVD (region 2) Schedule of releases
May 2006: Konami: TCG 17: " Hyotei wa Nemuranai " : 94 cards in set: 50regs, 18R, 11 Parallel Rares, 15 Super rares: Box 4000Y
May 2006: Konami: Trading Cards: Special Bromides Part 8: School Days: 18 in full set (15regs, 3 rare): Box 3600Yen
May 2006: Prince of Tennis MUSICAL (Tenimyu) : Konami: Special bromide set AND trading card set
May 31, 2006: OP & ED themes for the OVA will be out on CD. ED theme is " Hello & Goodbye " by Kondo Kaoru
May ? 2006: LIVE ACTION movie ... noooooooo
July 28, 2006: OVA Ep3, 5250Yen, DVD (region 2)
Sept 22, 2006: OVA Ep4, 5250Yen, DVD (region 2)
Dec, 2006: OVA Ep5, 5250Yen, DVD (region 2)
Feb, 2007: OVA Ep6, 5250Yen, DVD (region 2)
April, 2007: OVA Ep7 (finale?!!), 5250Yen, DVD (region 2) Damn, this is going to be the longest tournamant in history

Надеюсь, заинтересованные люди поймут...

@музыка: Эпидемия - Звон монет

@настроение: простуженное

@темы: animanga: PoT