Хороша трава в западном фандоме
Title: Stormy Winter
Author: Tzusuki
Tensai trio не знала, что такое есть (Oshitari Yuushi x Marui Bunta x Fuji Syusuke)
Rating: NC-17, plain PWP
кусочек прелести
“Looks like that has to go.” Marui quickly concluded and swiftly took Fuji’s shirt off, then smirked as an idea struck him, he took a spoon full of sauce and carefully spilled it over the Seigaku player’s bare skin.
“That’s hot!” Fuji complained lightly, but soon broke it into a moan as the Rikkai player licked up all the sauce on his burned skin.
Oshitari shifted leaning over to steal a kiss from Fuji’s lips “I like the way his mind works.” Oshitari husked, keeping his eyes on the lavender eyed boy, lust burning in his own eyes.
He then shifted to start removing their clothes. Title: Incomplete Data
Author: Tzusuki
Pairing: Inui Sadaharu x Fuji Yuuta
Rating: NC-17, plain PWP
пьяный Юта, ппцBesides since the moment he had gotten there he had a drink shoved into his hand, despite being a minor and now two to three hours later he had a good few drinks and were feeling warm and tipsy.
“Inui-san, let’s dance.” Yuuta murmured, hopping down from the barstool he had been sitting on and looked at the black haired man expectantly.
то, что меня добило:
“So different from Fuji.” Inui said while the two headed out from the bustling club.Title: Quiet Reading
Author: Tzusuki
Pairing: Oshitari Yuushi x Yagyuu Hiroshi x Mukahi Gakuto (with hinted Shishido tagged on)
Rating: NC-17, plain PWP
И вообще, что меня особо умиляет в этом авторе: Requester: Feeding my own dirty mind ^^